Avatar in India

    Avatar India Vishnu Ram Rama Krishna Buddha Meher Baba Ayodhya Sarnath Dwarka Vrindavan Meherabad Sita Hanuman Radha

    Avataric Advents in India

    THE THREE ASPECTS OF GOD: BRAHMA (the source and creator of all). VISHNU the preserver) and SHIVA (the destroyer) . Periodically God descends to earth in human form, as the Avatar, with all three aspects within Him. ... :Ishwar is the Creator, Preserver and Dissolver as One – Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. This Ishwar is God, but does not know Himself; He is in the state of Infinite Unconsciousness. However, He knows how to create, preserve and destroy the creation. The eyes of Ishwar are fixed on His creation and not on Himself." M.B. Ganesh represents Universal Mind.


    Zoroaster was around 5,000 BC, Rama about 3,500 BC Krishna about 2,000 BC Buddha close to 650 BC. (every 1,500 years or so) then Jesus 0 BC/AD then Mohammad about 700 yrs AD then Meher Baba about 1500 years later: around 1900 AD.

    Visit the 5 Avatars' sites in India

    The pre-Dravidian aborigines were the original inhabitants of India. Then Dravidian people became the prominent race. The population of India was Drividian until around 1,500 BCE when the Aryans migrated into India, through the Himalayas. Dravidian culture is one of the oldest surviving cultures in the world. It's characterized by its distinct languages, art, architecture, and social structures. The Dravidians are thought to have built the Indus Valley Civilization. Indo-European speakers, referred to as Aryans, migrated into the Indian subcontinent, displacing or assimilating the indigenous Dravidian cultures.

    Starting around 1800 BCE, these migrants, known as the Aryans, were lighter skinned, semi-nomadic agricultural people originating from central Asia, possibly present-day Uzbekistan. They came into contact with the existing Northern Indus Valley Civilization and spread East, even to the Varanasi / Kashi area.

    The Aryans had a significant impact on Indian society, marking the beginning of the Vedic Period from 1,000 BCE. Hinduism, which had its roots in the Brahmin class, gradually expanded, making it more accessible to people of lower castes. The Vedas, the religious texts of Hinduism, were written during this time, Lord Rama and Lord Krishna were incorporated into Hinduism as avatars of Vishnu. After the Vedic period, between 500 BCE and 300 AD, Hinduism underwent further development resulting in a Hindu synthesis, with the composition of epics and the first Puranas.

    Varanaasi Ganges

    Photo: Gail Humphrey, January, 2,000.

    Fly to Varanasi


      Around 5,000 years BCE, the region of Varanasi (also known as Kashi or Benares) were part of the ancient civilization that flourished in the Indian subcontinent... The region around Varanasi is mentioned in ancient Indian texts like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, which provide mythical and historical narratives of the area's past. Varanasi is considered to be the place of Lord Shiva's residence and the setting for several significant events in Hindu mythology. Hinduism started somewhere between 2300 B.C. and 1500 B.C. By around 500 BCE, the region around Varanasi witnessed the rise of several powerful kingdoms and urban centers. The Mahajanapadas (great kingdoms) emerged during this time, and some of them, like the Kingdom of Kashi (Varanasi), became influential in shaping the cultural and political landscape of India. Siddhartha Gautama caused the shift from Hinduism to Buddhism. India at this time, became predominately Buddist. Buddhism almost completely disappeared from India with the collapse of the Pala dynasty in the 12th century, Indian Buddhism suffered a setback, from which it did not recover. Although small pockets of influence remained, the Buddhist presence in India became negligible, to be replaced again by Hinduism. Todays' religious groups: Hinduism 80%, Islam 15%, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jain 4%.

      Jainism is one of the world’s oldest religions, originating in India at least 2,500 years ago. The spiritual goal of Jainism is to become liberated from the endless cycle of rebirth and to achieve an all-knowing state called moksha. This can be attained by living a nonviolent life, or ahimsa, with as little negative impact on other life forms as possible. 


      The River Ganges starts in the Himalayas from the melting snow. It flows by Rishikesh, Hardwar and winds its' way all the way down to Varanasi, civilization sprang up on its Northern Banks, perhaps since 11 thousand BC. Regarded as the spiritual capital of India. A major religious hub in India, it is the holiest of the seven sacred cities in Hinduism and Jainism, among the estimated 23,000 temples in Varanasi.,

      The most prominant Temples : Kashi Vishwanaath Temple of Shiva is one of the most famous Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Shiva. The Sankat Mochan Hunuman Temple. .. The Durga Temple. Varanasi/Benaras/Kashi is an educational and musical centre, many prominent Indian philosophers, poets, writers, and musicians live or have lived in the city, and it was the place where the Benares Gharana form of Hindustani classical music was developed. One of Asia's largest residential universities is Banaras Hindu University... Varanasi has been shaped by Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhist influences due to a combinion of factors: the city’s mythological links to the widely revered deity of Shiva, its proximity to the site of Sarnath where the Buddha delivered his sermons, and being located on the banks of the Ganges linked to ancient trade and commerce routes.

      The Abode of Lord Shiva and Parvarti, the origins of Varanasi are unclear. Ganges River in Varanasi is believed to have the power to wash away the sins of mortals. Hindus believe that one who is graced to die on the land of Varanasi would attain salvation and freedom from the cycle of birth and re-birth.

      Arts and Crafts of Varanasi. Varanasi is also famous for its silk weaving. Varanasi saris are adorned with intricate designs and zari embellishments making it popular during traditional functions and weddings. Earlier, the embroidery on sarees were often done with threads of pure gold. Across the world, designers and brides flock to the region for its silk saris, known as “Banarasi saris,” which literally means “saris from Varanasi.”

      Kabir, the mystic poet and saint (1398–1518) was born in Varanasi. His writings influenced Hinduism's Bhakti movement, and his verses are found in Sikhism's scripture Guru Granth Sahib, the Satguru Granth Sahib of Saint Garib Das, and Kabir Sagar of Dharamdas.

      Ganges Arti takes place every evening. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Brahma created the ghat to welcome Lord Shiva. Most Varanasi ghats were rebuilt after 1,700 when the city was part of the Maratha Empire. Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat started in 1991, assimilating finer aspects of Ganga Aarti on Har Ki Paidi in Haridwar.


    Assi Ghat is at the southern end of the city and is the last of the major bathing ghats still to have it’s clay bank. Today it remains one of the most spiritual ghats, with the Panchatirth and Haridwar pilgrimages both requiring a stop here. Bathing here is deemed very auspicious (but the Ganges is very polluted now), as ancient texts describe Assi as a small river that flowed here into the Ganga. Easy to reach by car. Assi Ghat is the easiest ghat to get a boat. Ganga Mahal Ghat is located at the northern extent of Assi Ghat.

    The 85 Ghats of Banaras

    The ghats on the great Ganga riverfront at Banaras are unquestionably the city’s most iconic and celebrated image. For thousands of years these ghats have been the centre for religion, culture and commerce, offering an unrivaled panorama for visitors to the city. You can very easily walk the entire length of the ghats without interruption, take a boat ride on the Ganga to fully appreciate the ghats from a little further away.




    Drive 10 KM Varanasi to Sarnath

    Buddha Sarnath deer park

    Buddhas' Sarnath

    Drive 18 min, plus traffic! (9.5 km) via Varanasi Cantt Overbridge from Varanasi.

    Sarnath became the center for Buddha's early teachings and the place where he established his first monastic community. It was here that Buddha converted many followers who would later spread his teachings across the world.

    Legacy of Sarnath: Sarnath holds a special place in Buddhism. It's where Buddha set in motion the wheel of Dharma, which continues to inspire millions of followers around the world. The site is marked by numerous monuments, including the Dhamek Stupa, which is believed to mark the spot where Buddha gave his first sermon.

    The advent of Buddha around 650 BCE, after the Aryans had already settled in India, became the dominant religion of India. About 200 years after Buddhas' passing, Buddhism gained prominence as the significant religion in India. Over time, the decline of Buddhism, partly due to invasions by the Mughals, allowed Hinduism to resurface and become the dominant religion in India. Presently, India's religious majority follows Hinduism (around 80%), followed by Islam (15%), and other religions such as Christianity, Sikhism, Jain and others (5%).

    The story of The Buddha. 650 BC. Sarnath remained abandoned until 1834 when Alexader Cunningham excavated the site. Buddha was born in Lumbini, (now Nepal) into a royal Hindu family. He renounced his birthright, followed established religious teachers, and then achieved enlightenment after striking out on his own. He was awakened to who He was while meditating under a Bodi tree located in Ceylon. He returned to India and established His ashram in Sarnath. The area was known as a deer park. The teachings delivered by the Buddha at Sarnath revolved around the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and the Middle Way. These teachings form the core principles of Buddhism and have had a profound impact on the development and spread of the religion.

    The Buddha's "Eightfold Path to Enlightenment"

    1. Right Understanding: Understanding of the Four Noble Truths - the truth about suffering, its cause, its cessation, and the path leading to its cessation.

    2. Right Intention: To control our actions, cultivating intentions of renunciation, goodwill, and harmlessness, as opposed to intentions governed by desire, ill-will, and harm.

    3. Right Speech: Speaking truthfully, avoiding slander, gossip, and harsh language. Communicating in a truthful, positive, and constructive manner.

    4. Right Action: Acting ethical and moral. It involves abstaining from harming others, stealing, sexual misconduct.

    5. Right Livelihood: Earning a living that does not cause harm and is ethically positive. Avoiding professions that harm others.

    6. Right Effort: Cultivating a positive state of mind:. It's a commitment to mental improvement.

    7. Right Mindfulness: Being aware and attentive to our thoughts, feelings, body, and states of mind. Being present in the moment, aware of our actions and thoughts.

    8. Right Concentration: Meditation practices, which develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and a calm view of the true nature of things.

      Buddha statue Sarnath museum India

      Carved statue of Lord Buddha in the archeological museum.

      Buddhism expanded in India in the centuries after the death of the Buddha, particularly after receiving the royal support of the Maura Empire. It spread even beyond India to Central Asia and China. The consolidation of monastic organisations made Buddhism the centre of religious and intellectual life in India.

      Harwan is located in the Kashmir Valley, an area known for its rich history and cultural heritage. This region played a significant role in the spread of Buddhism to Central Asia and East Asia. The monastery ruins at Harwan is significant for having been a prominent center of Buddhist learning and culture.

      Sarnath remained abandoned until 1834 when Alexader Cunningham excavated the site.
      Lion Capital of Ashoka: is now the National Emblem of India, is an important archaeological artifact found at Sarnath. Presently one can visit the archeological museum and walk around the Stupa. There are numerous Buddhist Temples in Sarnath. No written records about Gautama were found from his lifetime or from the one or two centuries thereafter. A complete picture of the life of Siddhartha Gautama are a variety of different, and sometimes conflicting, traditional biographies from a later date . The Chaukhandi Stupa commemorates the spot where the Buddha met up with his first five disciples. The Sarnath Archeological Museum houses the famous Lion Capital of Ashoka, which miraculously survived its 45-foot drop to the ground, and became the State Emblem of India and national symbol on the flag of India. The museum also houses the original 5th-century CE sandstone sculpture of Buddha Preaching his First Sermon. Buddha died of dysentery. M.B.quote: His “medicine” for the spiritual bimaries (illnesses) of mankind holds the field to this day."

      Countries in which Buddhism is a major religion have established temples and monasteries in Sarnath ("Lord of the Deer") surrounding Buddhas place in Sarnath, the holiest Buddhist site in the world.

      The modern Mulgandha Kuty Vihara is a temple constructed by the Maha Bodi Society. Dharmapala was a Sri Lankan Buddhist monk who was instrumental in the revival of Buddhism in India after it had been virtually extinct in that country for seven centuries.The temple contains a gilded replica of a 5th-century CE sculpture of Buddha Preaching his First Sermon. Its interior walls are extensively decorated with frescoes by Japanese artist Kosetsu Nosu, depicting important events in the life of the Buddha... A standing Buddha statue is located on the grounds of the Thai temple and monastery at Sarnath... Anagarika Dharmapala Museum, located on Dharmapala Road...

      Hindu Synthesis and Decline of Buddhism: The period between 500 BCE to 300 AD indeed saw the composition of epics like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, and the Puranic literature, which contributed to the development of Hinduism. The decline of Buddhism as a dominant religious force in India during this period allowed Hinduism to gain more prominence.

      Lord Buddha with disciples deer park

      Temples of Cambodia, China, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tibet, and Vietnam.



        Hotel The Fern Residency TC Easy reach, main road. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Very near the Buddha stupa. The rooms were largE. AC, large beds. The bathroom with excellent fixtures, separate shower & bathtub areas. Hot water. Hotel is very calm and soothing. Cilantro Restaurant serves Indian, Western and Chinese. (lots of weddings and events). Good room service. A nice modern hotel .

        Hotel Buddha: Easy reach in Sarnath, rooms that are accessible by elevator. The hotel also has a restaurant, 24-hour front desk, and free Wi-Fi.

        Hotel Deva Inn: This hotel is located in Sarnath and offers rooms that are accessible by elevator. The hotel also has a restaurant, 24-hour front desk, and free Wi-Fi.



      How Glass bangles are made.


      The avataric advent before Ram was Zoroaster, but not in India. Zoroaster lived some 6,000 years BCE. His Master was a Jew [Israelite]. But what the world knows about the religion that came from him is practically nothing. All these Zoroastrian rites, rituals and ceremonies have come down from the dasturs [priests] and Zoroaster's followers who began them centuries after his death. Zoroaster was the greatest Sufi. He was the Father of Sufism, and its very foundation owes its creation to him.


      The afternoon train to Faizabad, which is next to Ayodhya, takes 4+ hours from Sarnath. There are many nice hotels in Faizabad.. A few hotels in Ayodya too. It is also a 2.5 hour drive to Faizabad from Lucknow.


      King Rama Ayodhya

      Image of Lord Rama.

      Ramas' Ayodhya

    Rama and Sita, exiled for 14 years:

    Chitrakoot is a sacred location. It is one of the most significant places from Ramayana in modern-day India. Ram, Sita, and Lakshman spent years in exile at Chitrakoot. During their exile in the woods, Ram, Sita, and Lakshman walked from Chitrakoot to India’s huge Dandakaranya forest, according to the scripture. According to Ramayana, the trio spent 11 years in this forest.

    Ram and Sita in Chitrakoot Forest

    The entire life story of Rama, Sita and their companions allegorically discusses duties, rights and social responsibilities of an individual. It illustrates dharma and dharmic living through model characters. Ayodya is the birthplace of Lord Rama and setting of the great epic Ramayana. As the birthplace of Rama, Ayodhya has been regarded as a most important pilgrimage site for Hindus. Topographical indications in both Buddhist and Jain texts suggest that Saketa is the same as the present-day Ayodhya. The city remained deserted until King Vikrama of Ujjain came searching for it, and re-established it. He cut down the forests that had covered the ancient ruins, erected the Ramgar fort, and built 360 temples. It is believed that a temple stood at the birth place of Rama, which was demolished by the orders of the Mughal emperor Babur in 1528 A.D. and a mosque erected in its place.

    Ram and Sita in Chitrakoot Forest

    Chitrakoot and the Ramayana

    Chitrakoot" You can take a 6-7 hour train ride to Chitrakoot /Chitrakot from Varanasi. Ram and Sita stayed there and Sita often bathed in the river there. Actually, it is believed to be an asylum for Lord Rama and His consort Sita for over a decade, exactly for Eleven years and a Half during their exile period. Ram, while in exile, did much work with masts in the jungles. Such God-intoxicated persons as masts always exist on earth, especially in the East, and during Avataric advents they are contacted by God personified. .. Many Temples to see and boat rides on the River. Arti on Ram Ghat is nice. Very nice and reasonable hotels in town. You could then take a 6-7 hour train ride to Agra to continue your journey.

    Ram and Sita in Chitrakoot Forest

    Rama returns. Diwali celebrationRama returns Divali celebration


    Sri Ram Janma Bhoomi Temple now

    Sri Ram Janma Bhoomi Temple. Ayodhya Ram Mandir, also reverently known as Ram Janmabhoomi. .. The experience of this place was serene. Ram janam bhoomi is sacred place for Hindus as it's the birth place of lord Rama..Try to visit it first in the morning and later visit Kanak Bhawan then Hanuman Garhi.

    New Statue of Rama in the Ayodhya Temple.

    Sri Ram Janma Bhoomi Temple Ayodhya

    In 1992, the dispute over the spot led to the demolition of Baburs' mosque by Hindu mobs, who aimed to rebuild a grand temple of Rama at the site. A five-judge full bench of the Supreme Court heard the title cases 2019 and ruled that the land belonged to the government and ordered it to be handed over to a trust to build a Hindu temple. It also ordered the government to give an alternative 5 acres of land to build a mosque in lieu of the demolished Babri Mosque . The construction of Ram Mandir commenced in August 2020. The Ram Temple work will be completed someday, Ist Floor work is about complete.

    Ayodhya NOW: There is no structure left from the time of Rama, it has all disppeared in the sands of time. Many archelogists have made studies looking for buried artifacts. A new and very grand temple is being built, the Ram Janmbhoomi temple. It is considered to be the birthplace of Lord Ram. Many Hindu devotees visit. Open all days: 7 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 6 pm. There are many temples and palaces to see in Ayodhya. No trip to Ayodhya is complete without a visit to ghats of the sacred Saryu river, where it is believed Rama took his last dip and was never seen again in human form. It is also believed he bathed in the river after defeating Ravana. You can take a boat ride on the River Saryu, which is known to be the abode of hundreds of dolphins! ( Platanista Gangetica). The species is endemic to the Gangetic river system.

      Saryu Rivee in Ayodhya: On the bank, one of the well maintained and super clean ghats of Ram Ki Pairi..Boating on the Saryu is a way to spend some wonderful time.

      This temple is dedicated to Lord Hanuman. It holds high religious significance for devotees and is one of the most visited temples. Devotees believe that Lord Hanuman lived in this temple, guarding the Lord Ram's residence.

      Kanak Bhawan Temple is one of the finest and famous temples in Ayodhya and is a must visit. It is believed that this Bhawan was gifted to Devi Sita by Kaikei immediately after her marriage to Lord Ram. This is private palace of Devi Sita and Lord Rama. Vikramaditya got it renovated.

    Ram and Sita in Chitrakoot Forest


    Sri Ram lala Dharmshala Top location. Offer facilities for disabled. Wheelchair accesible. No internet. 500 m from the centre of Ayodhya. Soundproof rooms have balconies. Sun Terrace. Garden. Outdoor fireplace. AC and Heat.Private bathrooms. Room service. Coffee Shop. Tour desk, ATM. Offer Lucknow airport shuttle.

    Janki Mahal Trust is a good Dharmshala with AC/non AC rooms offered at very reasonable tariff. Manas Bhawan Trust also offers AC room suits.


    Hotel Krinoscco Has lift/elevator. Right in the middle of Faizabad, very close to Ayodhya, Nice place to stay Ayodhya. Near to main temple. Nice place with very pleasing staff. Food quality is par excellence. Very good Rooms , great ambiance and 24 hours hot water. They help you with knowing Ayodhya so you can enjoy the city. 2 km away from mandir.

    Kohinoor Palace Kohinoor Palace, temples are very close to the hotel. Far from Ram Mandir. Anew hotel. No lift or elevator.! Location is easy to access from the city. Food is excellent do not have a dining room so breakfast is served in your room. Food is tasty though. Railway station close by. This is a popular wedding destination.


    Ram and Sita in Chitrakoot Forest

    AYODYA TO LUCKNOWL 2+ hour drive. Important not to drive this at night.

    Clarks Avade TC pool.  Near Hazratganj, the shopping district of Lucknow. 15 KM from the Lucknow Airport and 4 KM from the Lucknow Railway
    Renaissance Lucknow Pool. Hotel Set in a sleek tower, this upscale hotel is an 8-minute walk from Ambedkar Memorial Park and 3 km from the Hazratganj shopping area.
    Radisson Lucknow City Center TC pool.
    centralized location close to monuments and Bazar. Restaurant, Chinese

Avatar in India
Pilgrimage path cont'd.



    Hotel Orange hotel with a mid ranged budget located in the Rakabganj, neighborhood in Agra, just 2.3 km from Agra Cantonment. Guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant. delicious food available in cafeteria . Every room comes with a flat-screen TV. well maintained property with a nice view. Staff very polite and co-operative. Restaurant also cheap and best quality, room service good. near Taj Mahal's west side gate (10-15 mins drive). hotel is really safe for female travelers. Has a lift. Elevator.

    Offering a sun terrace and views of the garden, The Coral House Homestay by the Taj is located in Agra, 700 metres from _____________________________________________________

    Side trip: Drive to Keoladeo Birds

    DRIVE TO BHARATPUR An hours drive from Agra or Vindravan.....

    Keoladeo National Park is recognised as one of the world’s most important bird breeding and feeding grounds. It originated in as a royal hunting reserve during the 1850s and was a game reserve for Maharajas and the British. In 1982, Keoladeo was declared a national park and then later listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The park is home to over 370 species of birds and animals such as the basking python, painted storks, deer, nilgai and more. Noted Indian ornithologist and naturalist Salim Ali used his influence to garner government support to create Keoladeo National Park. It was also known as the breeding ground for the rare and elusive to spot Siberian crane. Keoladeo National Park offers well-defined treks which can be covered on either foot, or cycle rickshaws. In fact, the park management has trained the rickshaw pullers in bird watching and they make for extremely knowledgeable guides. Near HOTEL: in Bharatpur: ...... HOTEL UDAIVILAS PALACE




Young Krishna with his gopis in cow pasture

Young Krishna and Gopis in Vrindavan

Lord Krishna was the son of Vasudeva and Devaki. The King Kansa was told a prophecy that he would be killed by his sisters son. He had them imprisoned in Mathura. Once Krishna was born, as his maternal uncle Kamsa, planned to kill him, he was smuggled across the Yamuna River to Gokula and raised by the leader of the cowherds, Nanda and his wife Yashoda. When the child Krishna was 3, they all traveled to Vrindavan where Krishna grew up. He wa a very mischivous young man and many stories are told about his adorable pranks. During his stay in Vrindavan he tended cows and played the flute to the enchantment of the young girl cowherders, his gopis. Radha was his favorite and she loved him the most. Radharani's love was so pure and unalloyed without even a tinge of selfishness. A very pure soul. He left Vrindavan when is was a around 17.

The child Krishna was adored for his mischievous pranks; he also performed many miracles and slew demons. As a youth, the cowherd Krishna became renowned as a lover, the sound of his flute prompting the gopis (wives and daughters of the cowherds) to leave their homes to dance ecstatically with him in the moonlight. His favourite among them was the beautiful Radha. Srimati Radharani's love was so pure and unalloyed without even a tinge of selfishness.

The love between Radha and Krishna is seen as profound expressions of the soul's yearning for union with the divine and are often depicted as a metaphor for the eternal love between the individual soul (Jivatma) and the Supreme Soul (Paramatma).


The scriptures do not provide a definitive answer to what happened to Radha and the other gopis Some say that they stayed in Vrindavan. However, it is generally believed that the gopis' love for Krishna was all-encompassing and selfless. When Krishna left for Dwarka, it is said that the gopis' hearts were filled with immense love and longing for him. Their love and devotion remained unwavering, and they would cherish the memories of their pastimes with Krishna in Vrindavan forever. The love of the gopis for Krishna was so intense that he resided in their hearts wherever they went. So, even though Krishna physically moved to Dwarka, his spiritual presence was never separated from the gopis who had dedicated their hearts entirely to him.

They are considered to be different expressions of the same divine feminine principle. Radha is famous because she is considered to be the most advanced devotee of Krishna. Rukmini is considered to be a very pure and devoted wife of Krishna.

The spiritual path is often seen as a journey of gradual refinement, where we start out by worshipping more external manifestations of the divine, and then gradually move towards worshipping increasingly subtle aspects of divinity as our own consciousness expands. So it's natural that someone who is just starting out on their spiritual journey would focus mainly on Radha, who represents the most external and tangible aspect of divine love. As they progress further along the path, they will eventually come to understand and appreciate Rukmini.

Krishna and his brother returned to Mathura to kill the wicked Kamsa. He may have become awakened to his role in nearby Gokul. Then returned as an adult for a brief while. Afterward, feeling the kingdom unsafe, Krishna led the Yadavas to the western coast of Kathiawar and established his court at Dvaraka (modern Dwarka, Gujarat). He married the princess Rukmini and took other wives as well.

After the Mahabarata War He ruled as the King of Dwarka. He married Rukmini and other wives. He is said to have ruled Dwarka as king for 37 years. While resting in the forest he was mistaken for a deer and was shot. He died. There are many conflicting stories about what happened to his body. There is small temple by the river mouth in Veraval where local people believe he was taken from the river and laid in the temple. It is unknown what happened to Lord Krishnas' body after that. Many theories.



The best season to visit Vrindavan and Mathura is the winter season. The best months to visit are October, November, December, February and March.

VRINDAVAN NOW has a very mesmerizing aura which you can feel once you enter through the gigantic gates and plethora of temples running by your side and the heavenly hymns. Vrindavan is a holy place with lots of beautiful temples. Clean and most of the well known temples are situated at road side, not far from each other. Temple opening and closing time should be known for better planning... "i went to Sewa Kunj after hearing the stories of the place which intrigued me. At last, Darshan of Shri Yamuna ji was enchanting. .. the chaos, the crowd, the faith. It's a really crowded place, how anything functions is beyond me. But everything works. Vrindavan seems to be revolving around Bihariji Temple. At noon when this temple is closed, shops are closed and much less action in town. In the evening it opens around 5 pm and all the town seems to be in action."

The town is split into the ancient religious area and relatively modern area. The religious ancient area is the place where most temples are present, including the famous Banke Bihari Temple. Holi is one of the major pilgrimage destinations for Hindus, specially for devotees of Krishna. March 25, 2024 Holi will be celbrated again. The town is so colorful at the time of holi.

Krishna temple is the main attraction. .. In Vrindavan visit Prem mandir, Iskon temple, Bake bihari temple, gopeshwar mahadev temple and mata vaishnav devil temple. Rickshas are needed on some narrow streets. Bankey Bihari ji temple- visit first in morning. For premandir visit in evening around 6pm to enjoy its lights. Visiting Banke Bihari Temple,

You must stay away from monkeys, be very aware of monkeys.. They are notorious, please put your spects in pockets and hold your bag tightly. I lost my spectacles. A Monkey jumped on my shoulder, snatched the spectacles, and jumped back in a flash. This is true in Mathura as well. The bazaar area is quite complex.

Gokul is a very popular place to visit now.


Nidhivan Sarovar Portico - Best Western Vrindavan

MVT Guesthouse & Restaurant - Hotel Santosh Dham - The VrindWoods Hotel

Kridha Residency Boutique Hotel -



Mathura ghats painting

'The Ghats of Mathura' Edwin Lord Weeks, artist, painter and explorer, 1849 – 1903. Born in Boston. He made many voyages to the East, and was distinguished as a painter of oriental scenes.

Lord Krishnas' Birth in Mathura

DRIVE FROM MATHURA  TO VRINDAVAN : 20 min (9.6 km) via Bhuteshwar Rd

MATHURA - Where Lord Krishna was born, in his parents jail cell, then smuglled away.
The birth place of Lord Krishna is much celebrated, attracting pilgrimage on a large scale. Here Yamuna’s cultural heritage is enacted in public life as a living tradition through many festivals. The landscape of ghats includes temples and shrines facing the river.

Many religious sites in Mathura, Mathura plays a major role in history too, since it has been connected to the well-known courageous queen named Rani Laxmi Bai, who fought against the British in the 1857 rebellion. Mathura is not only home to many Hindu temples but also is a favourite destination among the Buddhists for once being a major Buddhist site. Experience an amazing feeling of love and dedication. Holi is the most popular festival in Mathura and millions of people all around the world come to Mathura just to enjoy the great joy and enthusiasm of this colourful festival. The temples of Mathura do not allow mobile phones and cameras. Monkeys here.. They are notorious, please put your spects in pockets and hold your bag tightly.

The Ghats of Mathura Vishram Ghat is a ghat, a bath and worship place, on the banks of river Yamuna. The traditional parikrama starts and ends at Vishram Ghat. Krishna is said to have rested at this place after killing Kamsa. Cultural heritage is sustained by ritual behaviors, bathing, worshipping, and circumambulating the land-water interface of steps known as ghats. The River Yamuna has become very polluted.

    "Best Place for Mathura Yamunaji Aarti Morning 5:15 Evening 7:15 "

    Giriraj Temple is at Govardhan where hill is worshipped as God. People believe that Lord Krishna lifted this hill to save the whole Gokul from Lord Indra.


Centrum Hotel by Brijwasi - The Lalita Grand - Brijwasi Lands Inn

Hotel Spiti- Hotel Goverdhan Palace with elevator.. Hotel Wingston. closest to vishram ghat.

DELHI. Fly to Jamnagar

... or Srinagar ... or Pune



CAR & DRIVER TO DELHI. RETURN CAR. 'Red Fox Hotel' in aerocity. Sleep! Rest!


Fly Delhi to Jamnagar - DWARKA

JAMNAGAR, GUJURAT AIRPORT is the domestic airport closest to Dwarka. It is situated at a distance of 137 km from this holy city. One can get frequent flights for different destinations from here. Drive from Jamnagar to Dwarka is 2.5 hrs.

JAMNAGAR See the making of the finest Bandhani fabric, loosely woven silk called Georgette or cotton known as Maimal. The Bandhani-making art in Jamnagar has been able to provide a livelihood for at least 50,000 people. Bandhani is a traditional art form used in making tie dye fabricl. It has given worldwide recognition to the city. The men here dye the cloth and women tie them, the most difficult and fine job of handwork done. Bandhani making is as old as 5,000 years and has been in function since the Mahabharata era. Bandhani was made by both the Muslims and Hindus in the city. Done by hand with no involvement of machines. "Most of the actors in TV serials wear Bandhani,"

There are two Jain temples, the Shantinath and Adinath temple, entirely covered with mirror, gold leaf, murals and mosaics. Chandi Bazaar, in the Old City, is a market known for Bandhani sarees and silver jewellery.


Krishna Arjuna in Mahabharata war in a chariot

Image of Arjuna and Lord Krishna in the Kurukshetra War war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas cousins, for the throne of Hastinapura. The Pandavas won with Krishnas' help. The Mahabharata is considered to be one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana. Mahabharat is not just a story, but the detailed account of an event in the past. Artist unknown.



    After establishing peace in Mathura, Krishna received a request from a sage named Durvasa to find a suitable location for him to perform his penance. Krishna selected a barren island called Shankhodhara, off the western coast of present-day Gujarat, and with his divine powers, he built the magnificent city of Dwarka there. (The city is now underwater).

    Kurukshetra War: Krishna acted as a charioteer and advisor to Arjuna, one of the Pandava princes, during the Kurukshetra War. The war was fought between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, who were cousins and engaged in a fierce battle over the throne of Hastinapura. Krishna played a pivotal role in guiding Arjuna and the Pandavas to victory, despite his vow not to participate in the actual fighting. After the war, Krishna returned to Dwaraka, the splendid city he ruled, and resumed his duties as the king. Dwaraka became a thriving kingdom under his guidance.

  • Krishna became a revered king and ruler in Dwarka, where he governed with righteousness and love, through his wisdom, valor, and divine powers. Krishna's time in Dwarka was filled with various adventures, divine deeds, and a harmonious rule, making his presence a cherished memory in Hindu mythology and inspiring devotion among countless followers.
  • Lord Krishna and Queen Rukmini in Dwarka palace

  • One of the significant events in Krishna's life was his marriage to Rukmini, the princess of Vidarbha and a devoted follower of Krishna. Other Marriages: Krishna had several other wives, most notably with Satyabhama and several princesses who were captives of the demon Narakasura, whom Krishna defeated. Krishna died through an arrow that accidentally struck one of his legs from the bow of an ordinary hunter who never had any intention of harming the Rangila [colorful, playful] Avatar in any way.



Fly to Srinagar in Kashmir Harwan Kashmir hill with Jesus Tomb Srinagar

Jesus tomb on this hill in Harwan


Kashmir lay at the crossroads of great civilizations, one of the main corridors of Buddhism, connecting the two ends of the Buddhist world through the otherwise inpenetrable Himalayas.

QUOTES: From Lord Meher Online and Meher Baba.

HARVAN: Saturday morning, 3 August 1929, Baba and the mandali set out for Harvan at 11:00 A.M. Two small cottages were rented below the Harvan hill, one for the mandali and one for the boys. A hut for Baba was being erected 500 feet up the side of the hill. Baba was to remain in the hut and two of the mandali were to stay next to it. When they arrived at Harvan, Baba climbed up the hill to inspect the work and returned after an hour. Looking down at the valley, observing the poor villagers.

Baba went up the hill at nine to inspect the work with Raosaheb, Ramjoo, and the boys. The hut was almost completed and preparations were made for Baba to sit in seclusion from the following day. The hut was very small; it consisted of a single narrow room with just sufficient space for Baba to lie down. The roof jutted out on both sides, forming a shelter for the two mandali, who were to keep constant watch outside. Baba intended to lock himself inside the room.

HARVAN: Looking out at the landscape, Meher Baba revealed: "The place, where I have chosen to remain in seclusion, is connected with Christ. His body is buried near here." Baba hiked up the hill with the entire group. Three times along the way he stopped by a stream to wet his feet; once he gave water to the boys from his own hands.

Starting on 7 August, Baba fasted during the entire period of seclusion, taking only water which was passed to him through a small window of the hut. At a fixed time each day, Baba would knock from the inside and receive the water through the window without being seen by anyone. At that time, the hills of Harvan were choice hunting grounds, abounding in tigers, bears, wolves, and other wild animals. Throughout the night, Buasaheb, Gustadji, or Chanji could hear the constant roars and rumblings from these fierce animals. The only source of protection they had was a staff to keep scorpions, snakes, and small animals away, so a fire was lit at night to keep the wild animals at bay. On 10 August, leaving the hut after sunrise, Baba went down to the mandali's cottage. Meeting with them, he unexpectedly suggested leaving Kashmir after spending only two and a half days in seclusion, and not forty as planned. Baba decided to leave Kashmir the next day. 11 August 1929, Baba and the mandali hurriedly departed from Harvan.

Meher Baba in Harwan Srinagar Kashmir fish hatchery near Jesus tombMeher Baba in Harvan. Norina Matchiabeli behind him. On their way to see the area of Jesus' Tomb.

HARVAN: Baba once took the women to the village of Harvan, 1933 and showed them where he had sat in seclusion in 1929. Pointing to a place in the mountainous area, Baba made the sign of the cross and remarked: "That is where Jesus' body is buried." Baba had stated that Jesus did not die on the cross but came to India, where he spent many years wandering from place to place doing his Universal work until he dropped his body in Kashmir. Pointing to a hill, Baba revealed, "There is the place where two of Christ's apostles, Bartholomew and Thaddeus, buried his body; they had accompanied him from Palestine."

On the 21st Meher Baba took them for a ride in shikaras (a type of wooden boat) to the city and went to a movie in the afternoon. 23 April 1933 was their last day in Srinagar. The weather was again cloudy and chilly; but, when it cleared in the afternoon, Meher Baba took all to the Shalimar and Nishat Gardens. 'Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai'.


Please note: Consult your State Department warnings before visiting Srinagar. It may not be safe due to random attacks from Pakistani terrorists. Check recent advisories and warnings.


Buddhist monastery ruins Harwan Kashmir India

Buddhist Monastery, very active 2,000 years ago. Ruins now.

On the outskirts of Srinagar in Harwan, lie the ruins of an old Buddhist Monastery. It is hard to imagine the importance of the site from its ruins. But this ancient monastery played a pivotal role in the history of Buddhism. The spread of Buddhism from Sarnath to the Eastern world is a testament to the religion's profound spiritual appeal and its ability to adapt to diverse cultures. The monasteries of Kashmir, as a hub of learning and a crossroad between different worlds, played a crucial role in this historical process. They not only preserved and enriched Buddhist teachings but also acted as a bridge that facilitated Buddhism's journey across Asia. This expansive spread of Buddhism contributed to the rich tapestry of cultures and philosophies in the Eastern world, illustrating the interconnectedness of human civilizations.

The Harwan Monastery site holds great significance in the saga of the spread of Buddhism as it traveled into all directions from here. Harwan Monastery was home to one of the greatest Buddhist masters of his time, Nagarjuna (150-250 CE) , who propounded the theory of ‘Sunyata’ or ‘Emptiness’ which went on to revolutionize Buddhist thought.

Yusmarg Yusmarg or Yousmarg is a hill station in the western part of the Budgam district of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Meadows of Jesus or Yusmarg is known for its long stretches of green pastures. A local legend, a folklore if you may, believes Jesus tended sheep here. Yusmarg is approximately 47 km from Srinagar and a two-hour drive. Yusmarg is often referred to as a trekkers paradise. Yusmarg has some modest stay options but some new homestays have come up around the area.


HOTEL SAGAR PLAZA. The room was very spacious and the service was great. The people that work there are very sweet and helpful. The food at the restaurant was really good. The hotel is close to a shopping centre, mg road and east road. Elevator. walking distance from Main Road and East Street. Railway station is nearby. Value for money. It’s their staff who make the big difference. Location is great (next to SBS mall). Breakfast buffet is good. Overall value for money.

HOTEL SHREE PANCHRATNA Good service of the staff. Tasty food. Definitely a wonderful experience and we have enjoyed everything, right from starters to the main course. Excellent service, very lively venue - rooftop, great menu choices. Very close to Pune Platform no. 6. Just 5-7 min walk after coming out of station. The hotel is in a lane so less traffic noise.

MANY MANY 5 STAR HOTELS IN PUNE. Radison Blue, Hyatt Regency, Conrad Hilton, Ritz-Carlton, Sheraton etc.

Drive to Ahmednagar from Pune. 2hrs

Avatar Meher Baba Samadhi tomb shrine Ahmednagqr IndiaMEHER BABA'S SAMADHI

The Samadhi can be visited directly from either Pune or Ahmednagar. You need to hire a car with a driver who knows how to drive to the parking up the hill, near the Samadhi. Open to everyone from 7 am to 7 pm.

To visit: Avatar Meher Baba Samadhi Tomb Shrine. Fly from Delhi to Pune. Pune, is a 2 hour drive from Meherabad (Ahmednagar or now called Ahilya Nagar). There are a few new hotels in Ahmednagar with restaurants. The car ride from town to Meherabad is 15 minutes. There is a pilgrim guest house in Meherabad available for people genuinly interested in Meher Baba, only with prior reservations through the Trust Office. HOTELS IN PUNE:

Information about Avatar Meher Baba: https://avatarmeherbabatrust.org/

Avatar Meher Baba

His Universal Message: “You have asked for and been given enough words – it is now time to live them.” MEHER BABA OBSERVED SILENCE FOR 44 YEARS. Baba’s advent comes at the cycle of seven Avatars that began with Zoroaster, who, according to Baba, lived about 7,000 years ago, about 5,000 BC.  

Zarathustra, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, and most recently Meher Baba

The Seventh and last Avatar of this Avataric cycle. Meher Baba completes the work of the entire cycle by bringing the six previous Avataric advents, in this cycle, into full manifestation, melding them together and revitalizing them. Baba’s work with the established religions – his work to energize and blend together the major religions that grew up in this cycle: Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. Each of these religions flowed from the work of one of the previous Avataric Advents and became established after his passing during the period called the Avataric manifestation. Each established religion mentioned to represent the central spiritual principles expressed during the span of its associated Avataric age.

The Kalki Avatar: the incarnation who appears at the end of the Kali Yuga.This present time is known as the 'Kaliyuga' ( which started upon the death of Krishna). The sign or symbol of the Avatar of this 'Yuga' is the Avatar seated on a white horse.

Kalki is described in the Puranas as the avatar who rejuvenates existence by ending the darkest and destructive period to remove adharma (unrighteousness) and ushering in the Satya Yuga, while riding a white horse with a fiery sword. Avatara means "descent", and refers to a descent of the divine into the material realm of human existence.

Regarding his own advent, the last, or seventh Avataric incarnation of the cycle, Baba said that he brought no new spiritual teachings, no new religion; instead, his work was to revitalize the Truth at the core of the previous religions and bring them together in a new integration for the coming age. All the religions like beads on one string”.

Baba said, “I am going to destroy all the bindings of religion. Religion will remain, its farce will vanish.”


The path is open these 100 years

Quote Meher Baba: ""The road is now fully open to the aspiring seeker during the remainder of the lifetime of the Avatar and for some time after, and should be used. Eventually, however, the entry will gradually narrow and then the path will finally be accessible only to the very rare seeker. As I must provide for my lovers for the hundreds of years until I come again, it is necessary therefore that I make provisions now for their use during that period of time. For this, it will be necessary that they use a secondary route. One of the very best of these is that of meditation, and that is why I have given out these extensive discourses on meditation. "

"The original infinite WHIM of God as the "cause" is responsible for breaking the spell of the original divine sound sleep state of God, and the result, which is CREATION, is called the "effect." . Meher Baba! 

"During my lifetime and for some time afterwards — it is a distraction and waste of an individual's time and energies to use meditation. He should use all of his force and energies in utilizing this Path of Love that is fully open to him." 

Meditation, as described in the book: The Discourses. Meher Baba also dictated "God Speaks"

AVATAR MEHER BABA TOMB. MEHERABAD HILL ----------------------------


Meher Baba Quotes:

Meher Baba quotes: “The rain falls on both rocks and the soil. But the water flows away down the rock, while the earth soaks it up. The rock does not derive any benefit from the rain, while the soil does. Although the rain falls equally on both, only the soil takes advantage of it. Similarly, my mercy and grace are on all. But only those on the plain deserve it, while those who go about as if they are on top of a high mountain do not benefit by it!”

" I come for all; I come to awaken all !”

"This universe has come out of God. God has not come out of the universe. Illusion has come out of Reality. Reality has not come out of illusion. God alone is Real; the universe by itself is illusion."

“The entire fabric of the universe serves but one purpose…: The realization of God.”

 “If a person wants to take the pearl from the bottom of the ocean, then he should not shout at the pearl to come up while he sits on the beach. If he really wants the pearl, he should try his hardest to plunge to the bottom of the ocean to get it.”

 “Happiest is he who expects no happiness from others. Love delights and glorifies in giving, not receiving. So learn to love and give, and not to expect anything from others.”

“Remember that the first step in spirituality is not to speak ill of others. All human beings have weaknesses and faults. Yet they are all God in their being. Until they become Realized, they have their imperfections. Therefore, before trying to find faults in others and speaking ill of them, try to find your own weaknesses and correct those.”


INDEX Avatars in India

SAMADHI PROPOSED PROTECTIVE STRUCTURE In the near future a Superstructure must be built surrounding the Samadhi, THERE ARE MANY PROPOSASLS.... One persons' proposal, for building the superstructure, is on this page:







This website is dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba. Articles and website designed and edited by elenagh@live.com.

Elena lives in Puerto Rico but has traveled extensively in Northern India since 1975, until 2017. The India of my heart. I received all that Baba showed me of the beautiful spiritual India. I can't keep looking for something that doesn't exist anymore.....
Oh, how I loved it.

Elenas India stories: PERSONAL STORIES

INDEX Avatars in India