...Meher Baba's Mehera Irani.

In Loving Memory and Gratitude

We  honor the remarkable women disciples of Meher Baba, who, after His passing in 1969, dedicated their lives to sharing His message of love and truth. For five decades, these extraordinary women stood as beacons of His light, embodying His compassion in every act and word.

These women disciples, who lived closely with Meher Baba, received His training directly from the source of love itself. They were the ones ensuring that His love reached every corner of our hearts and the world. Through their unwavering commitment and sacrifice, they made the path to finding Him clearer, brighter, and filled with love. How to serve others. Their lives were a testament to Meher Baba.

Their immense contribution to our spiritual journey, they were our mentors, and our spiritual mothers. Through them  we learned about the depth of Meher Baba's love.

We  honor their memory by embodying the values they lived by—love, compassion, humility, and service.  by spreading Meher Baba's message of love to all, just as they did with every breath of their lives

The women disciples of Meher Baba, help us share that light with the world, just as they did



Meher Baba with his mother, Shirinmai on the left and his spirirual mother, Gulmai on the right.


Meher Baba and his gopis disciples Mehera

Left to right: Rano Gayley, Meher Baba, Mehera, Kitty Davy, ..., Mehera, Meher Baba. Mehera and Baba on the Ganges in Varanasi.

Sister Mani, Mehera, Dr.Goher and Fili Frederick.

Western Women disciples at the Nashik Ashram 1934. Left to right: Nonny Gayley, Norina, Meher Baba, Kitty Davy, Seated two ladies, Rano, two ladies, Margaret Crask, and Elizageth Patterson.

The women disciples in the early days. Korshed, Nargis, Mehera, Mani, Katie, Arnavaz. Seated: Goher, Meheru and .... and (Mansari not shown).

Dr.Goher, Mehera, Meheru, Rano, Naja and Mani on Meherazad porch.

Mansari Desai and one of her dogs. by the cabin on Meherabad Hill.

Meher Baba in front of the Samadhi with Godavari Mai, Francis Brabazon to the left. Many others.

Closest Women disciples Tombs next to Avatar Meher Baba Tomb Shrine. Left to right: Mansari, Korshed, Katie, Meheru, Goher, next to the Samadhi is Mani.

To the right of the Samadhi, just outside is Mehera J. Irani, Naja, Rano, Soona Masi and Kitty Davy,